Luca Comparini.
is the head of the Blockchain in IBM France.
Luca Comparini is the head of the Blockchain in IBM France since September 2015. With more than 10 years of experience in IT, he is described as a “business-oriented geek”, passionate on Open Source ecosystem and areas of innovation such as Blockchain, connected objects and cognitive computing.
He joined IBM in 2007, for the role of IT architect managing virtualization and IT infrastructure consolidation domains. He held various positions in Europe in the areas of open-source software within Lab Services (2009-2013) and the team in charge of ecosystem development of partners and start-ups (2014-2015).
Luca Comparini’s academic background: he acquired a Computer Engineering diploma from Politecnico di Milano in 2007, after Master in General Management from MIP (Business School of Politecnico di Milano) in 2009, and an MBA from Warwick Business School in 2017.