Stephanie Thomas.
is the Founder of Cur8able, Speaker and Writer.
Born a congenital amputee missing digits, Los Angeles-based Stephanie Thomas is the Founder of Cur8able, Disability Fashion Consultancy, and the creator of the award-winning
Stephanie has an M.A.C. in Communication and an M.A. in Fashion Journalism and lectures in fashion marketing and media studies. She is also the author and editor of Fitting In: An Anthology of the Social Implications of Fashion and Ableism, coming In addition to almost three decades of following clothing and retail trends for the disabled community, Stephanie is an award-winning SAG AFTRA voice actor, who serves on the unions Persons with Disabilities Committee.
“I didn’t always know what I was doing, but I always knew why.”
“Today there are more clothing options designed specifically for pets than there are for people with disabilities. So, I use my
DISABILITY FASHION STYLING SYSTEM: ACCESSIBLE, SMART, FASHIONABLE® to bridge the gap between where the fashion industry is and where it must inevitably go to be more inclusive.”
“The design process should begin with considering disability, doing this creates opportunities for innovation.”